There is car boot traders and No its not all tat,
The majority is descent as a matter of fact..
Upstairs there is Cards, card making and paper flowers on show
There are cupcakes, a quilter, and jewelry too,
Beads and accessories waiting for you.
Button Art, and clothing, both vintage and new,
Gem stones, sweeties, and soaps are there too
All of them waiting, just for you.
If your up for a challenge then into the Cafe you go
and see if you can beat the winner of the big breakfast... not to be eaten slow...
The weather is getting better and the fresh sea air does you good, go for a walk along the sand if you would.
Stoke up some memories of when you were bairns
Sliding down the bank top and running up the stairs, phew... couldnt do it now
There's no fishy smell like when we were bairns, it all just empty lonely and bare.
The view is to be gawped at as you look up the tyne, which was once full of industry, fishing and twine.
My thoughts would be, go on, go down and see, pop up the stairs, and amazed you will be..
Tell all your family, friends and colleagues... come down to Biltons, have a nice cup of tea.
So what do you say, come and jolly us up, with memories of past and a chin wag or two. Wed, Sat and Sundays too...